No, I'm not dead. I've just been busy and more importantly, not much interesting has happened to me. I did try to write an article about a week ago, but either my computer or Joe ate it before it went up. Valentines day went something like this: I got up. I ate. I did laundry. I watched TV. I kicked myself for being too much of a coward to have asked out a girl that I like. I worked on my digital camera, trying to figure out why it sometimes hangs like a computer. I helped my roomate begin to...
Well, after looking at Brad Wardell's article on the Google generated ads, I can tell you Google doesn't seem to think I care about anything but... blogging. Hey Google: Engineering. Quantum Mechanics. Pretty things that are shiny. Pretzels. Lava light. Gel pen. Chap stick. Wallet. Clock radio. Lint roller. Soap. Post-it-notes. Lets see if that creates any more intersting ads. And just for fun: the refferal list Google Search: hitchhikers guide to the galaxy criticism -book -books (2x) Goog...
For a nice change of pace, my day was pretty good. I had my ethics class. Nothing too interesting there today. I ate lunch with friends, and had Taco Pizza, which is one of my favorites (Whoever thought up combining tacos and pizza: Thank You!). The only bad thing today was the three hour Lab from Hell. Sometimes, I have to wonder if there's a shield around our station that causes the laws of physics to stop working for us. This lab was measuring the value of beta in NPN and PNP transistors. The...
The best way to summarize today would be going from good to bad to worse to worser. I knew I should have stayed in bed when the radio said that the temperature outside was 38 degrees below zero. Nevertheless, I got up and out of bed. The classes this morning were fairly interesting, actually, but I don’t remember a thing from Controls, but it wasn’t too bad. Lunch was, as usual on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, was rushed, but I had time. I took the bus over to Striebel hall where Data Struct...
If I ask her out and she says no, what happens then? We live in the same building, on the same floor, and I consider her a friend. I wouldn’t want to create an awkward situation between us. But then I’ll never know what could have been. If I don’t ask her out, things will stay the same, I’ll probably keep having this crush, and I’ll keep being lonely. But, she’ll still be a friend that I trust and can get along with. If I ask her out and she says no, because she already is going out with s...
I haven't written in a few days. Put simply, not a whole lot happened this weekend. It was cold. And continues to be so. The projected HIGH for tomorrow, according to the NWS is -17. Fahrenheit. Negative 17. At least the winds are supposed to be fairly light during the afternoon and evening. I get to work tomorrow evening, assuming that my car will start at those sort of temperatures... Saturday and Sunday were dull. I did homework. I bought a warm fleece for $5 on clearance at Old Navy, af...
I'm tired so this will probably be short... Had classes today. Learned about diferential amplifers, Laplace transforms, dot products, and the cost of algorithms. Data Structures is shrinking rapidly. Whether this is from people dropping it or just not showing up, I cannot say. Had manacoti for dinner. It was pretty good. Several people from my floor are going to Jinea's hometown this weekend, so it will probably be quiet here again. My roomate said something about going back to Peurto Rico...
Today I slept until 10, since I didn't have class until 11. It was intersting, but the professor kept going on and on and on. The details of the story were intersting, but I only care so much about kickbacks in Baltimore. I had the first electronics lab today. I don't think it will be as bad as I was afraid it would be, but we haven't really started yet. I went to Old Navy and bought stuff this evening. I got a $70 "Car Coat" for $13 on clearance. I also got a shirt that has a sticker on it f...
Cold, cold, cold. It was COLD today! Well, I think it was probably more the wind more than the cold, but it felt cold. There are wind-chill advisories and warnings out and a few schools cancelled today. Not my University, of course, but it still was cold. Despite not having slept well at all last night, due to my roommate’s LOUD snoring, I actually managed to be attentive in class today. It might have been that I was sitting right next to a air-conditioner that wasn't really sealed up all t...
Today, I didn’t have any classes, since the only class I have on Tuesday was cancelled for some reason. So I got to walk halfway across campus, see a sign that said CANCELLED and walk back to my dorm. If I had know about that before hand, I wouldn’t have had to go out in this cold weather. At least it wasn’t as bad as it was this weekend. My roommate had the air let out of his tires today. He works for UND Parking Enforcement, i.e. he’s what’s called a “Parking Nazi.” I don’t like the term,...
I read this article in my universities student paper last Friday. I found it rather interesting. The paper's website is[Edit]: The article is not currently available. I will update the link as soon as the DS can get around to putting it into the online archive.[Edit 2]: OK, I found it again on the new website. Check the link.
Well, first off I don’t know for sure if this the correct category for this article or if there’s a better one, but we shall see. I got up at about 11:30 today since there wasn’t any school due to MLK day. I went over to Wilkerson, which was the only dining center open today due to the holiday. I had pancakes and eggs for brunch. It was OK, standard Wilkerson food. I’m looking forward to Terrace being open again tomorrow once classes start up again. This afternoon, I went blowing with IV a...
For Christmas, I got a set of external speakers for my computer (Cyber-Acoustics CA-3090, if you want to know). They aren’t the greatest set of speakers I’ve ever heard, but they’re a lot better than the built in speakers that are in my laptop. The thing that drives me nuts sometimes is that one of them seems to be picking up some radio station, and I can just hear it when I’m listening to my own music on my computer. Frankly, it’s getting on my nerves. I really wish that it would stop doing it,...
Welcome to my first attempt at blogging. I'm not sure what will be contained in here for sure, but I think I'll start with the obvious. I'm currently an Electrical Engineering student at the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks, North Dakota, USA, Earth, Sol System, Sector 14-3. I found this website through the Galactic Civilizations website (which I must say is one of the best strategy games I've every played). The nickname: It's my broomball team nickname, a play off of my last name.