If I ask her out and she says no, what happens then? We live in the same building, on the same floor, and I consider her a friend. I wouldn’t want to create an awkward situation between us. But then I’ll never know what could have been.
If I don’t ask her out, things will stay the same, I’ll probably keep having this crush, and I’ll keep being lonely. But, she’ll still be a friend that I trust and can get along with.
If I ask her out and she says no, because she already is going out with someone, I’ll feel miserable. But, things can always change.
If I ask her out, and she says no, because she doesn’t want that sort of that relationship, or the possibility of that sort of relationship, with me, I’ll be heartbroken, for a while. But, then I can move on.
Now, if I can only work up the courage… before it’s too late. Again.