The Daily Chronicle of My Life (Part X)
No, I'm not dead. I've just been busy and more importantly, not much interesting has happened to me. I did try to write an article about a week ago, but either my computer or Joe ate it before it went up.
Valentines day went something like this: I got up. I ate. I did laundry. I watched TV. I kicked myself for being too much of a coward to have asked out a girl that I like. I worked on my digital camera, trying to figure out why it sometimes hangs like a computer. I helped my roomate begin to attempt to repair a TV he salvaged from someone throwing it out. I watched Matrix:Reloaded with some friends, including one who hadn't seen the first one (she was quite confused by about the car chase seen). Wrote a blog.
Like I said, not a lot interesting has happend lately. Which, on a certain level is kind of nice, but a bit boring. At lest I have Monday off, so I can relax a bit more this weekend.