The Daily Chronicle of My Life (Part 6) (SPECIAL EXTENDED EDITION)
Published on January 28, 2004 By Redshirt #3 In Blogging
I haven't written in a few days. Put simply, not a whole lot happened this weekend. It was cold. And continues to be so. The projected HIGH for tomorrow, according to the NWS is -17. Fahrenheit. Negative 17. At least the winds are supposed to be fairly light during the afternoon and evening. I get to work tomorrow evening, assuming that my car will start at those sort of temperatures...

Saturday and Sunday were dull. I did homework. I bought a warm fleece for $5 on clearance at Old Navy, after being told that I looked good in it by two girls I consider friends (one of whom I think I have something of a crush on. I just need to work up the courage to act...). I worked on Sunday. It was cold and windy when I had to push carts. Oh, did I mention the 12+ inches of snow we got on Sunday? That I had to push carts through. It was an... unpleasant experience. At best. Fortunately, most people had the sense to stay home. Most, but not all. I mean, how bad to you need Toaster Strudels if you go out in weather where they close the interstate, advise no travel, and have close to a foot on most of the residential streets (they were working on the primary and secondary arteries first, so emergency vehicles could travel if needed)?

Monday was a little more interesting. Classes were not cancelled, even though the public schools cancelled them (the night before!). I overslept/didn't want to go out in the cold, and missed my first class. The professor didn't cover anything too important that day, just a in class example. Linear Algebra turned into a history lesson on French politics after the revolution and how they relate to vector mathematics. Don't ask, you probably wouldn't find it interesting (but if you want to know, ask and I'll write about it). Data Structures was a complete waste of my time. I think that most of the class just kind of zones out after about 30 seconds of her lecturing. Apparently, she replaced another professor in some other class for some reason (I don't hang out around the CS people. I tend to stick to the other EE's, or just the people on my floor) and attendance went from 30 to 12. Some people had a bet going that it would be 9.

After I was done with class, I filled out a job application for a paper grader for EE 206 (Circuits I). If I get it, I'll have a job that's at least somewhat related to engineering, and is on campus. I should find out on Friday or so if I got it.

Today, Tuesday, was also kind of dull. I had my Ethics class. I forgot to do the homework. Oops. I'll just have to turn it in late. Such is life. I ate lunch, which wasn't so good. S.U.A.E.I. This afternoon, I watched an episode of Babylon 5 with Jonathan (Passing through Gethsemane). He liked that one. I'll refer you to the Lukers Guide if you want to know more ( After that, I listened to the radio. Today’s topic: Should East Grand Forks go to a 2 a.m. bar closing. The city council will probably vote it down, again, but there was a fair amount of support from people calling in. I like local talk radio, in case you were wondering.

I ate dinner after that. Much better than lunch. Stromboli tonight. Excellent.

At 8:00, I went to see Dr. Bob Boyd, Jr. give a presentation "The Secret of Great Sex" Nothing I didn't already know at some level in my heart. It more or less comes down to... love and God's love. One interesting statistic he threw out: only 1 in 1050 (or so, don't remember the exact number but it was there abouts) couples who read the Bible together separate.

I have the same classes as on Monday. I am not looking forwards to Data Structures. But, she takes attendance and who know when she'll give an assignment or quiz. I can always ponder life's mysteries when I'm zoning out at least.

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