The daily chronicle is on hold... for now. But here's some random things that happend today!
I had a dream last night. And I rememberd it. That's a little odd, but not too much. The dream itself was... bizzare. Even for one of my dreams.
Now, a brief summary of what I remember.
I was outside. It was cloudy. There was a group of people there. I somehow wound up having a job to keep someone company or just was by them. She was a girl I know from my floor. Somehow, during the dream, she would up being a telepath like Lyta from Babylon 5 (and she has red hair too...) when (this is where things get odd ever for me) a Shadow Battlecrab (again, B5) appeared from above. I ran for cover. I ducked inside a building and started praying to God for help, genuflecting and all (and I'm not Catholic/Orthodox). It left... or at least appeared to. I came out , looked up and saw it decending from above. Our resident telepath repulsed it... and I woke up.
That's how I remeber it. It doesn't seem nearly as strange in text as it did in real life, but who knows. I just want to know what it means. Assuming it means something other than "You've been watching too much Babylon 5" (Which I don't think is true. The last time I watched it on DVD was Tuesday, and that was two episodes. It's not anymore than what I would watch if it was one once a day. And I had a TV in my dorm room)